
dormivo col rosario
intorno al fucile
but now we've reset
ourselves afloat
the heart's rude sea
slips beneath
protruding stars
troth-break waves lap
the mind's back
& Andy's space fruit
gather pace
 blister blur then
   burn & fade
I'm glad you're weaving
once again
30 years ago
we vowed
to fix sidereal weft
blew blue smoke
at the flustering sky
slipped motionless
behind Earth's pale
protective shade
only to find
  back here
hopelessly drawn
to our shared
inseparable ways
I thought syzygy
was nocturnal rub
until you mentioned
tonight's eclipse
later I'll wander
up the hill
to store the moon
in numbers
coded tunes
of pixelled hum
  & light
she came to fetch me
barefoot intertidal
brought Musc de Java
taught me
the prehensile
colour dance
we spooned
 each other
     the night

Varzi, 12th August 2017