lent it from de library
writ it out
& watched as it
glid through
de returns box —
box: when off
mine kid
8 nelsons an
a cuppla garys
proper para
dough buzzin
dat me ma’s
in de oven
me da’s uppa
ladder & avin
got onta me
all a said
to her right
waz I’d
ang arta ye
great set a
bristols like
den it
wen off
den a saw
er getting off
wid im
but fuck you
a did fuck er
I’m fucked now —
easy kid
just avin a grin
for fuck’s sake
it’s all good
shit mate
o.k. I’ll pick
ya up in a
joey say
seven bells?
any mingers
you’re fuzz on
as it’s blue
I’ll stick me
berghaus on
blue dat way
5 O won’t know
of me billy
you breathe
a fuckin word
of this to
johnno I’ll
snot ya in
de places
ya mudda
go to